To a great Lady


I came to you with hopes of better things.
You were not young by any means, then,
yet had – you told me – other lovers, but
then I thought this would not bother me.
As long, of course, as I could have you too…
When walking down the streets with you
or sitting by the river (any place was good)
I once used to think that I was really happy.
I fell in love with you, utterly, completely:
the buses and the barges, the clean and dirty
streets that had become familiar, part of me.
And when I thought I knew you, there was,
suddenly, quite another, different, new you.
Do I still love you now? Who knows, only
time will tell, I am, right now, rather confused,
as I am leaving you – but not because of you.
One day, when very old, I’ll probably be telling
my grandchildren (some of whom know you
pretty well) about you, our love affair, that once
I lived with you, with London – a great Lady!





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Prezioso Visitatore che mi leggi, un breve commento, magari anche solo un saluto, scritto qui sotto, o un ‘Mi Piace’ cliccato, Ti costa solo un piccolissimo sforzo, però farà un GRANDE piacere a me, quando lo leggerò! Grazie. :O)


Copyright © 2015 Guido Comin PoetaMatusèl – Belluno, Italy. All rights reserved.





Un commento su “‘AFFAIRE DE COEUR’

  1. PoetaMatusèl ha detto:

    Perhaps the greatest love story of my whole life! With the only city I’ve ever really loved — and still always miss so badly …

    The poem was written back in 1995, as I was about to leave London, to go and live in little Denmark.

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